Spice Chasm's Turmeric Latte Spice Blend Recipe

How to use Spice Chasm's Turmeric Latte Spice Blend

- Add 2.5g of Turmeric Latte Spice Blend powder to 300ml Creamy milk

- Stir well while heating.

- Slightly simmer for 2-5 minutes

- Add 1-2 teaspoons of honey. To taste.

- Serve in a mug.

Mix Turmeric Latte Spice in Drinks

- Sprinkle on Lattes

- Experiment with creamy drinks

Turmeric Latte Spice Baked Dishes

- Mix with biscuits and savory baking

- Good turmeric substitute where a cinnamon sweetness is complimentary

Cook with Turmeric Latte Spice

- Japanese and sweet East Asian curries

Storage: Keep cool & dry

Availability: Year-round

Product Page: Turmeric Latte Spice Blend